A central distribution panel controls the system allowing flexibility to change and move around the telephones, computers, Sound Systems, etc. be it within the same room, or to a different room, as needed, to integrate with your lifestyle. LexNet cabling system is built into the infrastructure of a residence. It can be adapted for everything from small installations in individual villas to several installations in entire buildings. In an apartment building each apartment can be equipped with its own system to suit the homeowners needs, but it is also connected to the master telecoms/ TV / internet network of the building.
The more outlets there are in the property, the more flexibility there is to change an outlet from receiving a TV, Internet or a radio signal to another location by simply moving a connection at the distribution center. This gives LexNet an amazing flexibility of open communication standards such as Ethernet (home networking), and any homeowner the advantage to move an Analog/Digital/IP signal throughout the property simply and easily by moving a cable at the distribution center.